

Posts tagged Paddle In Hand
Paddle In Hand

Growing up in Minnesota you’re around a lot of water. Even more so when you live in a town called White Bear Lake. And one of the formative people in all of this is my friend Lucas Will. Together we encouraged each other to get kayaks while we were High School, and would regularly go paddle after class. We’d also just sit out on the water, hang out and enjoy the the outdoors.

This is where we started to form our love for paddling. Except Luke just took it a little further than I did. He’s since been an Alaskan kayak guidepaddled around the worlds largest body of freshwater, Lake Superior, and now he’s paddling down one of the worlds most iconic rivers, the Mississippi. The whole thing. From the headwaters of Lake Itasca, to the Gulf of Mexico. 2530 miles in all.

So to mark this enormous three month long journey, I helped Luke with a logo for his newly formed “adventure brand” (if you will), apply named Paddle In Hand. Along with a few other variations and icons. And hopefully this is just the start of things to come for Luke and Paddle In Hand. So keep an eye on this stuff because it’s only going to grow.

Also, be sure to follow Luke and his dog Tisher on their epic journey. He’s giving daily updates on the PiH Facebook page. And if you live along The Mighty Mississippi, swing by and wave at them as they float past.